Customer Service Chatbot in Russian

Поддерживайте своих клиентов на русском языке и быстро и точно решайте их вопросы с помощью генеративных чат-ботов Kommunicate на базе искусственного интеллекта и решения для онлайн-чата.

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A woman in a brown coat and bright red scarf looks at her phone against an orange background. There are two speech bubbles in Russian: one asks 'How long will my order take?' and the other responds 'Hello Mila, your order will arrive at your doorstep today evening at 17:00.' The response bubble includes the Kompose by Kommunicate’s icon.

Customer service automation platform trusted by enterprises across the globe

AI chatbots and smart automation

Automate customer queries for instant resolution with Kommunicate’s AI-powered chatbots
This image showcases a chatbot-building platform called
Codeless Bot Integration
Seamlessly integrate LLM & NLP platforms like OpenAI, Dialogflow, Amazon Lex, and IBM Watson.
Make custom bots for your business with our no-code, GUI bot builder powered by conversational AI.
Custom Bots
Easily integrate custom-made bots or bots made on any popular third-party platforms.
Webhooks & API
Create advanced workflows and exchange data with your database to perform dynamic actions.
Bot-human Hand-off
Automatically hand-off the conversation to humans if the bot is unable to answer.
Smart Rich Messaging
Use a plethora of rich messaging templates for an exquisite customer support chat experience.
Conversation Auto-resolve
Reduce redundant tasks such as manually resolving dormant conversation using automation.
Pre-defined Bots
Integrate bots from Kommunicate’s gallery of smart bots to kickstart your support automation.

Much more than just live chat

Intelligent, user-friendly and beautiful chat for lead generation and customer support
A customer service dashboard interface with multiple sections. From left to right: 'Conversations' showing a list of chats, including one from Stephanie West. 'Assign Conversations' section with an option to assign to Kylie. 'Quick Replies' showing preset messages. 'User Profile' for Stephanie West with details like email and last seen. 'Add tags' section. On the right, a 'Welcome message' chat window showing a conversation with Mila in Russian. The interface has a purple color scheme and includes various UI elements like buttons, dropdown menus, and text fields.
Lead Collection
Never let a lead slip away and gather contact details by using in-chat Lead Collection forms.
Welcome Messages
Create custom and conditional Welcome Messages to and send it to your visitors automatically.
Away Messages
Always be present for customers even when your agents are offline by configuring Away Messages.
Your Branding
Add your brand identity and color, and customize the chat widget to make it your own.
Greeting Messages
Greet your users automatically to drive conversations when they browse your website.
Quick Replies
Set up instant responses for repetitive and common queries to reduce response time.
Push Notifications
Set up interactive alerts for both your agents and customers for new messages in conversations
Fallback Emails
Get notified through email if you miss any messages from your users and vice versa.
Support your customers in their preferred language. Start a full access 30-Day trial now!
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